Friday, August 13, 2010

Turning Stone

Hi All! Well you know what they say about the best laid plans. Well, the Walmart that I planned on overnighting in last night was unoccupied. Best to be with others, so I remembered the Turning Stone Casino just west of where Dave went to Hamilton College. Here is a picture this morning with a couple other RV'ers who overnighted there as well!

The privacy curtain worked extremely well! Plenty of darkness so I got a good night's rest.

I'm blogging here from a NY Thruway rest area with free wi-fi. Don't worry Linda, I have a chance to wash up here at the rest area! I know that you are most concerned with my hygiene habits as I travel across the country ;-) I hope to reach Chicago this evening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See any hobos?